Support Services


Environmental Services
Volunteers engage in physical cleaning such as disinfecting waiting rooms, cleaning spillages or dusting. 

Food and Nutrition
Volunteers restock food and clean areas of the hospital where food is served. Volunteers may manage data related to orders and payments of food.

Infection Control
Volunteers audit hospital health and infections. They monitor cleaning efforts and manage reports of infections and infection prevention. Volunteers measure hand sanitizing station supplies. 

Integrated Operations
Every day is different in Integrated Operations. Volunteers handle plans and projects that various departments may need. They may process work orders on the computer or check fire extinguishers. 

IT or Desktop Support
Volunteers install software or hardware onto machines around the hospital and fix any problems with computers are other machines.

Volunteers assemble carts to be used to load laundry areas in each department. Lightly folding duties may apply. 

Mail Room
Volunteers send and sort mail for the hospital. This involves a lot of standing and walking to all areas of the hospital. 

Patient Transport
Volunteers transport wheelchairs around the hospital for patients. They assist with taking patients to other departments or to the front entrance after discharge.

Supply Chain Management
Volunteers determine what needs to be ordered on each floor of the hospital by tracking which items are in short supply in the supply rooms. They will receive, open, and deliver packages to restock the supplies.