Edward Bersoff, PhD
His daughter, a physician, was affiliated with Holy Cross Health, so he got involved. “I was struck from the very beginning about the mission focus,” he says. “Holy Cross goes over and above to do what’s right for their patients.” Like many families in Montgomery County, several family members have been patients over the years. “You always want capable and compassionate care,” he says. “But I found their performance as caregivers to be extraordinary.”
As a grandfather, he is proud to be associated with a place where maternal/child care is, he says, “exemplary.” “I took a tour of Holy Cross Hospital and I happened to be in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) when a set of quadruplets were born. You see these tiny babies, and the exceptional care they are given. Holy Cross Hospital oversees the largest number of births of any hospital in the state. If you talk to native Washingtonians, every one has known someone born at Holy Cross.”
Bersoff sees the opening of Holy Cross Germantown Hospital, in the upper part of Montgomery County, as an example of the leadership role that Holy Cross Health takes in the larger community. “I can’t overstate the effort it took to make the new Germantown hospital possible. They saw the need in Germantown, developed a unique relationship with Montgomery College to train more health care professionals, refined the concept and built and opened it on time. To me, that is all about vision, commitment, perseverance and partnership.”
He and Marilynn encourage others to become contributors to a hospital system that he believes lives its mission of compassion and care for all every day. “People should give because they want to do good somewhere where the outcomes are more likely to be accomplished, Bersoff says.” “They should give because of its reputation. In Montgomery County, Holy Cross Health is truly the place where the underserved get served. I can’t contemplate our county without Holy Cross.”
“I was struck from the very beginning by the mission focus. Holy Cross goes over and above to do what's right for their patients.”
- Edward Bersoff, PhD, donor